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Download SVGs on a Laptop or Desktop Computer
How Do I download my designs?
When your order is complete, your SVG designs will be waiting in your account. You can download your designs at anytime from the "Purchases" section of your account. Save files to your PC by clicking the "Download" button next to a specific design. If you'd like to download each design from your order, save time by clicking the "Download All" button.

For step by step instructions on how to download SVG Designs on your PC, watch the video or scroll down to see images of each step. If you'd like to save instructions for later, click on the link to download PDF instructions.
Step by Step PC instructions
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1) Open your browser and access your account
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2 ) Tap on the "Account" icon to access the drop-down menu
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3 ) Tap on "Purchases" to access your designs
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4 ) Click on the "DOWNLOAD ITEM" button on the desired design
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5 ) Select the format from the drop-down and click “DOWNLOAD”
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6 ) Select up arrow and click to save it into the downloads folder
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Questions? Contact Us
If you have any questions, you can reach out to our customer service team at
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